Thursday, December 11, 2008

last week i had the strangest dream,

where everything was exactly how it seems. where there were never any mystery, of who shot john f kennedy. it was just a man with something to prove. slightly bored and severely confused. he steadied his rifle with his target at the center. and became famous on that day in november. don't wake me, i plan on sleeping in.

eh, nothing to talk about today :/ in computers, we have to make a powerpoint about what we want to be when we grow up and stuff, and i'm doing mine on being a makeup artist (; but we're gonna have to present it to the class and i DO NOT want to do that. i think i'll just sleep in and not go to class that day. i HATE going up in front of the class. it makes me want to shove a gun down my throat.

i wish you would step back from that ledge my friend. you could cut ties from all the lies that you've been living in. and, if you do not want to see me again, i would understaaaaaand.

my brother keeps freaking changing to song and i can't help but write it down :P someone should get me mittens for christmas. my fingers will not stop being cold. haha. OMFG i woke up this morning and my left cheek was hella pink/red and i don't even know why ): and it was like that all day and i felt like an idiot. marisa was like "are you wearing blush?" haha yeah, i'm wearing blush only on my left cheek ;D but yeah, it's still like that right now and it's hella warm but my other cheek isn't. wtf >:/
omg! they're playing the ten on starzondemand now! i freaking love that movie. it's hilarious. i love adam brody and paul rudd (: i already watched spider-man 3 for the millionth (sp??) time today. i can watch that over and over. "how's the pie?" "so good." haha oh, and "i protected you all through high school, and now i'm gonna kick your assssth" XD james franco is a hottie. so is tobey maguire. and so is topher grace (:

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