Monday, October 11, 2010

tiptoe through the window,

by the window, that is where i'll be, come tiptoe through the tulips with meeeee

mehh, today was boring. i hate first and second period so much. if i fail those classes i'm gonna shoot someone. on friday i went to sean's with marisa and willie and watched them +jeff play halo lol. it was fun at first but i started falling asleep towards the end ;P i helped marisa find her homecoming dress with her on saturday. her dress is SO cute ;D i got some cool earrings and a little clutch. we visited my broha at his work too lol.
i had the worst allergies ever on sunday. i sneezed like 200 times in a row. my nose was like a faucet. hahaha. so i took some benedryl and took a nap. then when i woke up my mom's all, let's go get pho! phok yeah. hahah.
i'm so excited for homecoming! tomorrow my sister is bringing over my dress so i can try it on. i can't wait til saturdayyyyyyy. i'm gonna hang out with valerie and go to the galleria to see benji and joel! then hoa viet with everyone, then the dance :P

tiptoe from the garden, by the garden of the willow tree, come tiptoe through the tulips with me

i still love tiny tim :P

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